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Black Out Roles


This system only works if the four players are committed to it. The concept of this team is to function as a unit, as opposed to a team of 4 individuals. This may mean at times you’re sacrificing kills or weapons, but again this should be done for the good of the group.


  1. SNIPER – This is your long-range guy. We all know that some people are more handy with the Sniper scope then others and making sure the geared up Sniper Rifle gets in the right hands can make a HUGE difference. The SNIPER is the first guy to get a SNIPER rifle, priority should be given to whichever weapon he prefers (in other words even if you find a Paladin, you give it to him) He also should be the first one to get his attachments geared up. Believe me a kitted-up SNIPER who can take out an opponent or two at range (before they engage the rest of the team) is invaluable. The sniper should also rank 4th in armor priority as he’s usually the furthest from the fight.

  2. FLANKER – This is your aggressive player (or your rusher). This is the guy that charges into the fight. This should in reality be your team’s best player. He should take priority on armor. Ensuring he always the highest available armor and fully stocked plates. He should also be given choice of his weapon, meaning if he wants to run a vapr, he takes the first one found. Plenty of grenades, clusters and concussions need to go the way of this guy. Along with perks such as dead silence (so he can flank teams without being heard). He gets the best armor and the pick of the weapons (that aren’t a SNIPER rifle)

  3. UTILITY – This is the jack of all trades guy. He should be running something with some decent range (ABR, Augur, 2nd Man to a Sniper Rifle) and something that can be used at a closer range (maddux, vapr, smg etc.). This guy is responsible for being crafty, picking up the barricades, mesh mines, razor wires, trophy systems. When you need to hold a building, or an area, this is the guy to do it. He should be equipped with whatever you need. A long range LMG player would suit this role beautifully as he would be able to provide amply cover fire for teammates. He ranks third in the armor order and has no weapon priority.

  4. NAVIGATOR/LEADER – This is the guy who is responsible for planning out your routes, locating your vehicles etc. He’s also the guy who will do the driving, flying, boating etc. He will decide how you breach buildings, when to attack and when to hold. The idea behind is so that there can be no argument and the other 3 players can focus clearly on their roles. This player has no real role, he can equip whatever he is comfortable with but it’s suggested that he be running something that will at least allow assistance in close range and flanking. The job of this player is to manage the map/circle plan the routes and strategy. He ranks second in the armor order and has no weapon priority.

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